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Thursday, 26 January 2012

Homework- 5 Thriller Opening Sequences -Amy

 Film one: Déjà Vu

There is a lot of different camera angles and shot sizes in this beginning including extram high angles, high angles, eyelevel angles and low angles, CUs, MCUs, MS,MLS,LS,ELS. They do this to create the feeling that there is alot going on and that there is a lot of people. There is also Pans and Tilts in this first couple of miniets of the film, they use this to show the setting, that it is a busy quite run-down area. There is also some tracking shots of the people in uniforms this suggests that they are going somewhere important.The camera shots are a bit all over the place and this goes well with the charactors running around in excitment to it creates that feeling in the audence.

Mise En Scene:
There is a very natural lighing in this first part of the film, they do this to show a scense of normallity in the film The natural lighting is quite bright though so this suggests that it is set in a very warm place and because the majorety of the people have a dark skin tone it suggests that it could be set in somewhere like south America. As the people are dressed quite casually and their hair is very normal and that it is just like any other day to the charactors, exept from the fact that some of them are in uniforms that look like Navy uniforms as they are running and are excited it shows that they may be returning home. As the clothes do not look that expensive it also suggests that it could be quite a poor part of the country. It also connects to the audence as many people know what it is like when people close to them go away to war and things like that so they would know how exciting it is when people return home.

There is a very light non digetic soundtrack in the backround of this beginging with not much dialouge, this is to put the audence in a sort of zone that means that they are seeing that it is a happy time and it is almost like a dream for the charactors, the soundtrack's pace is slow and this suggests that it is a relaxed and happy atmophere.

The editing in this begginging has quite a fast pace to show the excitment but as it has some slow motion it shows that it is once again almost like a dream,because of this the audence can sense that it is a happy dream because of everything involving the Mise En Scene. It is made up of clean cuts but does freeze some frames to show the titles, this is also like freezing the moment suggesting that it is a moment that the charactors would like to keep forever.

Film two: Eagle Eye

The first shot is a tracking shot of the two kids, this is to show that it is going to be a jurney, and the shots in this part are quiite slwo, were as when it cuts to the technical room scene it has a lot more different shots such as MCUs, MS, MLS this keeps the audence close but not to close to the charactos showing that we may be able to trust him but he may betray us at some point. There is also a pan of the indian village to set more of the scene.

Mise En Scene:
The lighting in the first little bit has quite an orangey tint this suggests that it is around sun set type of time, it also looks quite hot this suggests that is in a hot place and since the children have a dark tanned skin tone it backs this idea of the hot place. As they are dressed in very monochrome and thin clothes that are very plane it shows that it could be quite a poor, hot place to live so I think that it may be set in India. Also the plants look very dried up so I think that this backs up the idea that this is a very overheated place with not much water and that backs up the idea that it is quite poor. The army cars and Army uniforms in this make me think that this is a place of war and that it may be a very dangurus place to be. But as there are children running around unattended it makes the audence feel a faulse sense of securety. In the 'computer room' the lighting is very low key, this contrasts with the lights on the screens and buttons making them seem more important and making the audences attention get attracted to them.

There is a nice non diegetic soundtrack in the bigging part of this intro, this suggests that the children are in their own little world. This continues until the dialouge sequence cuts in, the soundtrack does however create some soundbridges connecting the threee places.

There is quite a slow pace of shots until the dialogue sequence cuts in, it is made up all of clean straight cuts it is parellel editing suggesting that this is all going on at the same time. The dialogue sequence has more frequent shot changes as it is shwoing that a lot is going on. There is also a camera shot that apperes to be a POV of someone looking through a gun or camera at the cars, this is to suggest that they are being watched and are therefore important to the film.

Film three: Hangman's Curse

The Camera shots start of as being all MS,MLS,LS,ELS and a couple of CUs of the rope,This is to show his body language that seems very stiff and unnatural.As you don't get to see the boys face until just before he jumps it builds suspence and also makes him seem less important as the rope is more focused on then him. There are some canted angle shots and this suggests that it is uneasy and as the angles are all quite high or low it shows that we are not on the boys level and shows how different he is to us. It raises questions in the audence like who is he? and what is he doing? authough most of us will have already geussed by the way he is moving and the rope that he is holding.

Mise En Scene:
There is a very low key lighting in this begginging this is to create the sence that something isnt quite right because most people would think to turn on a light if we were walking through a school in the dark on our own, this does however suggest that he doesnt want to been seen or stopped. I know that it is set in a school because of the locker and hallway structure that most of us would connect to the memories of school. He is wearing very plane clothes that makes him camaflauge in the dark hallways, his body language is very strange and he seems to know exacly were he is going and he seems to be very confident in what he is doing.



Film Four: White Noise 2


Mise En Scene:
The first scene in the garden shows the boy playing in the garden, you can tell that they are a happy family as they are relaxed in the garden n the morning, I can tell that it is the morning as they are still in dressing gowns.They are a happy family because they are all smiling, I think that they have made this scene seem over happy to create a false sense of security.  

The sound is very gentle although it does have a more sinister tone in the bass of it and then there is the sound in the cafe that is very creepy. They use foley with the gun clicking of safety to make the focus on this. 

The first scene in the garden has a very high contrast and bright colours, this is to make it seem all over happy and make the family seem like a happy normal family that has hardly any problems.

Film Five: Strangers


Mise En Scene:



1 comment:

  1. Amy
    Good effort rather brief and descriptive in parts. Can you go back and title your posts at the top of the post please so I can assign marks. Why not do some comparison of the films as a whole. What questions are raised by these openings? Lastly Hangmans curse sounds like a horror to me. Why do you think this is a thriller?
