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Monday 23 January 2012

The dissapearance of alice creed.

Sound - non diagetic sound, which gets faster to create pace. One type of main instrument used which is deep then changes to a quicker tempo which creates tension as it changes when the two characters open the door.

Editing - parallel, long takes, match on action, transition,

Camera work -  close ups to allow the audience to see the subjects expression, panning, close up of props such as the drill, rope and saw all dangerous objects which suggests they could be used against her in some way. shallow depth offield used when the props are in focus but the background isn't. follys when stapeling and drilling when boxing in the windows.  The way the camera makes sure that the soundproofing carpet sign is still in focus is cleverly done as it is a small detail but makes you think why they would be buying this which brings you to the title of the film. Low angle used in the shop from the characters feet to which the camera then tilts up. High angle used when both charcaters are stapeling in the house. change of settings are all establishing shots to create realism.

Mise en scene - Setting in the house is very run down, which suggests a place someone has neglected and that it wouldnt be somewhere you would want to live in. Lighting is bright when the two characters are in the shop but becomes dim when they are back at the house. Costume of both characters are simple and dark colours. Their body language tells you the story as their is no dialogue used which suggests what they are doing has been planned exactly which is conveyed through camera work by long shots, two shots and close ups to show they are in sync with each other. Props used keep the audience guessing as to what they are going to be used for, when they are at the shop every prop they pick up there is a focus pull that allows you to see what it is clearly.

- Maddie

1 comment:

  1. Maddie

    Please put all your thriller research posts together in one post and put your name at the top (header) of the post
