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Tuesday 28 February 2012

New Youtube Channel

So we have just set up our new youtube Channel so our videos will be on there :)

-Amy and Maddie

Title sequence

Me and Amy have been looking at what type of title sequence we should use for our groups thriller opening, we have both decided that this is the best one that we have seen and this is the one that we are going to try and get our main inspiration from when we are making our own title sequence.


We have also decided to try and make a title sequence like this one of Rubicon, we loved the way that it linked everything together using lines and pointing out the main parts in its opening. We couldn't get the video of this opening up here so please click the link-


i think this makes the title scene more interesting because of the way everything is linking together and follows on. i think it would be really good if we could do something like this for our title sequence such as images from our filming which fade into other images and could use linking lines to connect them with a specific object like the necklace which is the main prop in our opening


Filming Scene 1

we have decided to Film this saturday at ardingly reservoir instead of littlehampton beach as it is too far away and we wont have long enough to film by the time we have got there.


Monday 27 February 2012

The StoryBoard Animatic - Nick

Here is the storyboard animatic we created for the planning of our film,

Obviously Some shots are clearer than others so i've tried to explain them the best I can, enjoy!

Wednesday 22 February 2012


We are filming our second scene at Nymans on saturday then the following weekend we are hoping to film at littlehampton beach
- Maddie

Character Costumes

Monday 20 February 2012

Nymans Reply :] - Amy

Emailing Nymans

We have been on the phone to Nymans Gardens about filming on their land and we have emailed them to get written permission. 

Dear Nymans Gardens, 
We are writing to you from Central Sussex Haywards Heath college concerning our AS Media Studies Filming project, We wondered if it would be possible to film in Nymans Gardens to film a short dialogue sequence that will last no longer then one minute this weekend the 25th and 26th of Feb. If you would like to confirm our position at collage please phone Andrew Mann (teacher) on 01444 456281
Many Thanks,
Amy Lee

Lighting Decisions

lighting not needed on the beach scene to emphasis how the charcters feeling
natural lighting when filming at nymans but we need light from a number of angles since there will be a lot of space and walls that will create shadows.

Health and safety, risk assesment for filming, use of equipment


Unit 2 – Plan a moving image sequence

Element 2.3.1 - Undertake and document a location survey
Name: Maddie, Amy, Nick
Undertake and document a location survey
Element 2.3.1

Location to be surveyed: Nymans and Ardingly Resevriour

Address: Handcross, near Haywards Heath, RH17 6EB

Tel:01444 405250

Contact name:
Emma Twine
Directions to location:
By Train: Balcombe 4 miles, Crawley 5 miles
By Road:off London to Brighton M23/A23
By Foot: 5 miles from Balcombe
By Bus:services from Brighton to Crawley and Haywards Heath to Crawley. All stop outside Nymans
By Bike:NCN20
Nearest hospital: Princess royal

Police station: Haywards heath

Local taxi firm: 41 Forty One 41
37 Harlands Rd, Haywards Heath
RH16 1LU
01444 414141

Train station: haywards heath

Cast & Crew facilities:
no waiting areas, catering facilities, there are toilet facilities.
Environmental factors that may affect the location:
 There are a lot of plants so we will need to be careful when working around them like with the lights so we don't dry them out,

Health & Safety regulations to be considered:
We need to be careful with our equipment and with the public, we need to be careful because there are some big rocks around that someone could fall on, and there is a car park so we need to be careful around cars.

Prop research and justification in terms of charcater and story

main prop is the necklace which is connecting the charecters together

Images of locations and decisions about locations

This is the beach that we will be filming our first scene on
It is the Littlehampton beach.
This beach is quite busy so we are going to have to go quite early and on a colder day so that it will be quieter, luckily we need this type of day for our scene.

This Is Nymans Gardens, we will be filming our second scene.

List of Roles

Roles behind the scenes:
Nick- Camera man (in charge of shots and filming), Storyboarding (doing the drawings for the shots)
Amy- Directing (Making sure that everything goes as planned and every one is in the right place), Location Scout (finding the locations)
Maddie- Scripting, In charge of lighting
Jodie- Casting Director (chooses actors)

Acting Roles:
James Hatton- MALE #1
Amy Lee- FEMALE #1
Perry Jones- MALE #3
Jodie Harris- FEMALE #2
Max Hillborne- MALE #2

-Amy, Maddie, NicK


We reviewed our old script (its still there if you want to look at it). After reviewing it we decided that it was just too happy for a thriller in the end, and it didn't fit in too much with our beach scene... So we've created a new one... which can still be filmed at nymans. So without much further ado... The Script!!! P.S. in regards to the shooting scene... we won't see the gun... we'll just hear the sound...

The script for the second scene in Nymans Gardens walking through the old house that is the only dialouge sequence-

Scene 2 – Block 1 of filming (Nyman’s Gardens)

Scene begins in damaged area of the house in Nyman’s gardens 3 friends are walking into the damaged area through a small archway…

Male #1:

Look all I’m saying is that I don’t see why you’re not letting Faith go to the party; I can’t exactly say to her that she isn’t welcome!

Female #1:

 Oh, well make up another excuse…

Male #1:

 Like what?....  I can’t just lie to her, it’ll be obvious! She knows that you don’t like her anyway!

Male #2:

All the more reason for her not to come…

Male #1:

Jesus, I can’t believe you guys… are you really that shallow?

Female #1:

 James, don’t be melodramatic… We appreciate she’s your girlfriend and all but quite frankly she’s an arrogant, selfish, Greedy…

Male #2:

 …What she’s trying to say is that we don’t really think she’s that nice a person.

Male #1:

 oh… brilliant... that’s makes it all the more better doesn’t it?

Friends ramble on in background, where we turn to Male #3, standing on one of the platforms overlooking the view of Nyman’s gardens… He’s trembling, nervous as if something horrific is about to happen… Male #1 catches Male #3 out of the corner of his eye and recognises him…the 3 friends stop and spot Male #3.

Male #1:

Hey I know that guy….

Male #1 tries to catch his attention…

Male #1:

 (Shouts name of Male #3)

Max looks at him for a very brief second in horror almost, but it’s a short meeting as we hear one shot of gunfire and Max falls to the ground…dead.

Male #1:

 oh my god!

The 3 friends rush over to him… James crouches down to inspect the body whilst Amy and Perry stand back…

Male #1:

well what are you waiting for??? Call an ambulance!

As Male #2 calls the ambulance in the background Male #1 notices a sparkle in Male #3’s Hand, he opens the hand… it’s a necklace… James looks at it in suspicion…



Thursday 9 February 2012

Tuesday 7 February 2012

The start of our story board :)

Story line

It starts with a guy walking slowly to the beach which is set 6 months earlier. He gets an necklace out of his pocket and throws it in the sea, everything goes silent which allows you to hear the sound of the wind as the necklace hits the water.
The second scene is of the male character that we met earlier walking twith two other people, they are talking amoungst themselves which leeds to them recognising someone who is then shot and find him with a necklace in his hand.

this raises questions such as
Who does the necklace belong to?
why is he throwing it in the sea?
what has happened concerning the accident?
who are the characters?
who or what are they talking about? 

- Maddie, Amy, Nick

Monday 6 February 2012


The young man on the beach throws a necklace into the sea, which connects everyone together some how but it is not obvious in the beginning. However, the man is the main clue as he is trying to get rid of the necklace . this scene is set 6 months earlier and follows on to the scene at nymans where three people are walking and talking. One of the charcaters then recognises the person standing by the old stair case at nymans, hears a gun shot and runs over to see him lying on the ground holding a necklace in his hand.
- Maddie

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Thriller Opening Homework: Jodie-Clare

Film 1: Taken

The first camera shot is by a hand-held camera, this is to add the effect that its a home video, suggesting family. Extreme close-up, close-up, mid close-up and a long shot were used in the first 1min 30 seconds to show the emotions and body lanuguage of the main character.

In the hand-held family video shots, the camera has desaturated colour and has a bad white balance to show that its old. Also there is not much sound comming from the hand-held. There is a match on action shot used when he picks up the news paper which creates emphasis.

Mise En Scene:
When the main character is sat in his living room, there is a low key lighting to show he may be feeling a little down and is reflecting on his memories and it may also be late at night or in the early hours of the morning. Thefore suggesting he cannot sleep.

Non diegetic soundtrack, has a depressing tone, refecting once again on the man. It also creates a full sense of security. The foley has been used when he picks up the news paper to empahsise he is reading it.

Film 2: Pulp Fiction

A 2-shot is used in the start to show the connection between the two characters. Also a point of view shot is used to get the audience to put themselves in the female characters point of view. A close-up of the maid character helps the audience to understand how the two characters would be looking as its also a low angle shot.

When the two characters put their guns up the footage is frozen this gives the audience a chance to catch up on whats going on with the story.

Mise En Scene:
When the two male characters are in the car together, their costumes are very formal which could suggest they are on a misson or haave something important that they must do.

Non- diegetic music soundtrack starts this helps the audience to understand how the two characters may be feeling and also the beat of the music show their adrenilin rush.

Film 3: Silence Of The Lambs

Tracking shot of the woment running through the woods which enables the audience to be in suspence and sitting on the edge of their seats. There is a big close up to show the emotions and body lanugauge of the women which helps the audience to become more engaged.

Clean cuts which enables the audience not to get bored and also their is a fast pace which enables the audience to be engaged.

Mise En Scene:
There is a low key lighting when the women is running through the woods which may result in the audience not knowing why it looks so dark, gloomy and scary. Therefore rasing questions which keep the audience more engaged.

Non diegetic sound track at the beginging which is very depressing which puts the audience into the mood that is wanted. Also foleys are used over the soundtrace. e.g birds and wild life. This raises questions for the audience like whats happened here as the sountrack is contapuntal. the non diegetic music becomes more up beat when the women is running to keep the audience in suspence.

Film 4: Die Hard

There are many establishing shots which enable the audience to really understand the concept of the film and therefore making the audience more engaged. There is also a 2 shot, big close up which enables the audience to see the emotions and connctions between the two characters.

Clean cuts are used to keep the audience engaged and keeping the story line snappy.

Mise En Scene:
Low key lighting to raise wuestions about the gloominess of the setting.

Non diegetic sound when the air plane is landing but then goes in to diegetic sound which enables the audience to be kept in suspence. Also allowing them to be able to fill in the gaps therefore helping them to broadern their imagination.

Film 5: Jaws



Mise En Scene:
